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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The 12 Second Sequence: Get Fit in 20 Minutes!

The 12-Second Sequence™ is fitness superstar Jorge Cruise’s newest revolutionary method of resistance training that burns fat, shrinks your waistline, and gets you into the best shape of your life—and all it takes is two twenty-minute workouts each week. Based on the latest groundbreaking research in exercise physiology, the 12-Second Sequence™ proves that the key to success is not in exercising more, but in exercising smarter.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Cancer Dictionary

Sarg and Gross present a revised reference text for cancer patients and their families designed to provide much-needed basic information to allay most common fears and address everyday concerns. Updated throughout, the latest edition of the A-to-Z text contains some 2,500 definitions and terms on cancers, their causes, stages, and treatments; diagnostic tests, therapies, and risk factors; advances in radiation treatments, chemotherapy, and pain management; current information on surgical procedures; and prevention, vaccines, and new findings on hard-to-treat cancers. It also includes appendixes on national organizations for cancer research and clinical care centers by state. Sarg practices oncology at St. Vincent's Hospital, New York City; Gross is a medical writer specializing in gerontology and head of a New York-based healthcare communications firm.
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