A guide to eating for those who have undergone weight loss surgery covers dietary requirements, food labels, nutrition principles and fads, and techniques for maintaining a healthy diet, and suggests recipes.
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Smoke-Free in 30 Days: The Pain-Free, Permanent Way to Quit
"In a comprehensive, 30-day program, Dr. Seidman explains how to retrain your brain, take advantage of all the tools at your disposal, and end the month smoke-free and feeling stronger than ever!"
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Monday, April 19, 2010
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vaccinations
Discusses the recent controversies behind vaccinations, including the challenges against them for religious, medical, and social reasons, and provides advice on which immunizations are vital for each stage of life.
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101 Optimal Life Foods
Identifies foods that may have a potential to promote overall wellness and the improvement of various health conditions, from annoyances like cold feet and bad breath to more serious conditions from depression to chronic joint pain.
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Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA
Documents the rise of the drug-resistant staph pathogen while discussing its role in killing 20,000 Americans annually and revealing its lesser-known presence in everyday areas while offering information on how to detect early warning signs.
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We've Got Issues: Children and Parents in the Age of Medication
Argues that parents and physicians are inappropriately prescribing medication to control undesirable behavior in children and raises awareness about the actual experiences of families confronting mental health issues.
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Safe Patients, Smart Hospitals: How One Doctor's Checklist Can Help Us Change Health Care from the Inside Out
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I Need Help With School: A Guide for Parents of Children With Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
Specifically written for parents of children with autism or Asperger's Syndrome, this guide demystifies special education laws to help them understand their legal rights and the rights of their child. Moyes also addresses such issues as developing a child's social skills, encouraging self-esteem, and dealing with teasing and bullying.
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The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Documents the story of how scientists took cells from an unsuspecting descendant of freed slaves and created a human cell line that has been kept alive indefinitely, enabling discoveries in such areas as cancer research, in vitro fertilization and gene mapping.
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Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted
Counsels readers on how to tap the potential of the mind-body connection to improve overall health, outlining 18 strategies for such areas as improving willpower, decreasing stress and balancing hormones. TV tie-in.
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Sunday, April 11, 2010
Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding
Leaders will find Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding a valuable addition to their personal libraries and especially useful for helping calls. Dr. Newman is a father of four breastfed children and a pediatrician on the Professional Advisory Board of LLLI. Teresa Pitman, mother of four breastfed children, LLL Leader for more than 20 years, and well-known Canadian author, collaborates with Dr. Newman to write a comprehensive and detailed volume designed for mothers and for health care professionals.
Though the authors focus primarily on solving breastfeeding difficulties, they also cover breastfeeding basics, calling three to four years of breastfeeding "normal" and in other ways showing clear support for many aspects of LLLI philosophy. For example, Dr. Newman gives a touching account of how he and his wife tried the "cry it out" sleep training advice: "When our son was over two years of age, we thought we would try it again. (We were slow learners, but our excuse is that we weren't getting much sleep.) We finally gave in, as we heard him cry from his crib, 'This is your little boy, Daniel. Why are you doing this?' We can learn a lot from our children, if we let ourselves ... it wasn't easy to be awakened every night, night after night. But after all is said and done, it was for the best."
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Though the authors focus primarily on solving breastfeeding difficulties, they also cover breastfeeding basics, calling three to four years of breastfeeding "normal" and in other ways showing clear support for many aspects of LLLI philosophy. For example, Dr. Newman gives a touching account of how he and his wife tried the "cry it out" sleep training advice: "When our son was over two years of age, we thought we would try it again. (We were slow learners, but our excuse is that we weren't getting much sleep.) We finally gave in, as we heard him cry from his crib, 'This is your little boy, Daniel. Why are you doing this?' We can learn a lot from our children, if we let ourselves ... it wasn't easy to be awakened every night, night after night. But after all is said and done, it was for the best."
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Back to Life After a Heart Crisis: A Doctor and His Wife Share Their 8-Step Cardiac Comeback Plan
"A surgical oncologist and his news anchor wife describe the impact of his unexpected development of heart disease in spite of healthy living, outlining recommendations for such topics as working with doctors, adjusting one's diet and resuming a sex life."
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Your Inner Skinny: Four Steps to Thin Forever
A Today show nutrition and health expert challenges the theories of popular deprivation diets while outlining a customizable four-step plan for weight loss that counsels readers on how to break negative eating habits and maintain a healthy diet that meets individual needs.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About Foods You Should Be Eating During Pregnancy but Probably Aren't
Backed up by the latest nutritional research, this guide debunks previous pregnancy food myths and uncovers a number of surprising and food choices that expectant moms should be eating (but probably aren’t!).
Nutrition is never more critical than during pregnancy. However, many women find the nutritional guidelines and menu plans they get from their doctor to be a complex, confusing, and oftentimes uninspiring list of things to eat for the next nine months. Jonny Bowden and Allison Tannis make pregnancy nutrition easy with the top 100 foods expectant moms need to eat during their pregnancy.
The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding
Describes how to prepare for breastfeeding a newborn, from preparations before birth to breastfeeding with a busy schedule, proper storage, maintaining a healthy diet, and breastfeeding high-risk infants.
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Monday, April 5, 2010
Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding
A compassionate reference by a certified midwife and author of Ina May's Guide to Childbirth shares practical recommendations for rendering nursing a mutually beneficial experience, covering topics that range from breast pumps and sleeping arrangements to nursing multiples and returning to work.
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