Health and Medicine Titles

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Diabetes A to Z: What You Need to Know about Diabetes - Simply Put

An all-time reader favorite that explains diabetes--from A to Z!
"Diabetes A to Z" covers everything you need to know--from "A1C" to "Zzzz's--Sleep Is Important." More important, it covers these important topics in simple, direct, and easy-to-understand language. Whether you need to know about eye disease, high blood pressure, or skin care, "Diabetes A to Z" gives you the answers you need. Highly recommended by health care professionals to patients. Topics organized A to Z for easy navigation. Clear and concise explanations of major diabetes issues. Appropriate for all people with diabetes and their caregivers. Backed by Tthe American Diabetes Association, the nation's leading voluntary health organization supporting diabetes research, information, and advocacy and the leading publisher of comprehensive diabetes information. (Check Catalog)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Is Why You're Fat (and How to Get Thin Forever): Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More--And Keep the Weight Off

"Being fat isn't your fault; staying fat is." That's what Jackie Warner, America's favorite no-nonsense celebrity fitness trainer tells her own clients, and that's why no one delivers better results than Jackie does. Now for the first time, Jackie shares her revolutionary program, showing readers the best ways to drop pounds and inches fast, "without "grueling workouts or deprivation, and keep them off for good! Her two-tiered approach provides a complete nutritional makeover and a failure-proof condensed workout routine PLUS all the emotional support and encouragement you need to get to the finish line and beyond. With Jackie's core principles, you'll discover once and for all which behaviors are making you fat, and which can finally make you thin forever-and some may surprise you:
ADD""TO LOSE: In Jackie's 2-week jump start, no food is off-limits. You'll actually "add" food to your diet in order to lose weight.
CHEATING IS ALLOWED: Eat clean for 5 days, and then indulge in whatever you want over the weekend!
FAT IS NOT THE ENEMY: Fat doesn't make you fat; sugar does! Nothing you eat should contain over 9 grams of sugar
SKIP THE CRUNCHES: They just build muscle under the fat. Discover the fastest way to burn calories, tone muscle, and spark your metabolism for rapid fat loss
LESS (EXERCISE) IS MORE: Workouts shouldn't take over your day-give Jackie 20-minutes and you'll see results.
Find out today why THIS IS WHY YOUR FAT (AND HOW TO GET THIN FOREVER) is your first and last stop on the way to the new fit and healthy you!  (Check Catalog)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Real Food Has Curves: How to Get Off Processed Food, Lose Weight, and Love What You Eat

Dumping the fake stuff and relishing real food will make you feel better, help you drop pounds, and most importantly, take all the fear out of what you eat. Does that sound too good to be true? It isn't--despite the fact that lately we've given up ripe vegetables for the canned stuff; tossed out sweet, tart orange juice for pasteurized concentrate; traded fresh fish for boil-in-a-bag dinners; and replaced real desserts with supersweet snacks that make us feel ridiculously overfed but definitely disappointed. The result? Most of us are overweight or obese--or heading that way; more and more of us suffer from diabetes, clogged arteries, and even bad knees. We eat too much of the fake stuff, yet we're still hungry. And not satisfied.
Who hasn't tried to change all that? Who hasn't walked into a supermarket and thought, "I'm going to eat better from now on"? So you load your cart with whole-grain crackers, fish fillets, and asparagus. Sure, you have a few barely satisfying meals before you think, "Hey, life's too short for this! "And soon enough, you're back to square one. For real change, you need a real plan. It's in your hands.
Real Food Has Curves "is a fun and ultimately rewarding seven-step journey to rediscover the basic pleasure of fresh, well-prepared natural ingredients: curvy, voluptuous, juicy, sweet, savory. And yes, scrumptious, too. In these simple steps--each with its own easy, delicious recipes--you'll learn to become a better shopper, savor your meals, and eat your way to a better you. Yes, you'll drop pounds. But you won't be counting calories. Instead, you'll learn to celebrate the abundance all around. It's time to realize that food is not the enemy but a life-sustaining gift. It's time to get off the processed and packaged merry-go-round. It's time to be satisfied, nourished, thinner, and above all, happier. It's time for real food.
Shape your waist, rediscover real food, and find new pleasure in every meal as Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough teach you how to: - Eat to be satisfied- Recognize the fake and kick it to the curb- Learn to relish the big flavors you'd forgotten- Get healthier and thinner - Save money and time in your food budget- Decode the lies of deprivation diets- Relish every minute, every bite, and all of life

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Brainstorm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences

Jordan-Young, a sociomedical scientist and associate professor of women's studies at Barnard, has written a stunning book that demolishes most of the science associated with the dominant paradigm of the development of sex and gender identity, behavior, and orientation. The current paradigm, brain organization theory, proposes: "Because of early exposure to different sex hormones, males and females have different brains"; and these hormones also create "gay" and "straight" brains. Jordan-Young interviewed virtually every major researcher in the field and reviewed hundreds of published scientific papers. Her conclusion: "Brain organization theory is little more than an elaboration of long-standing folk tales about antagonistic male and female essences and how they connect to antagonistic male and female natures." She explains, in exquisite detail, the flaws in the underlying science, from experimental designs that make no statistical sense to "conceptually sloppy" definitions of male and female sexuality, contradictory results, and the social construction of normality. Her conclusion that the patterns we see are far more complicated than previously believed and due to a wider range of variables will shake up the research community and alter public perception. This book, technical but well written, deserves wide attention. 16 line illus.(Check Catalog)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method: The Weight-Loss Kick-Start That Makes Perfection Possible [With DVD]

Did you know muscles get bored, just like people do? And did you also know that there's a 9 out of 10 chance that you're working the wrong muscles when you exercise? With TRACY ANDERSON'S 30-DAY METHOD you don't have to worry--her unique workout will help you drop the weight and shrink your body in just 30 days.
Based on ten years of scientific research and experience getting not just herself, but A-list stars and everyday people, red carpet ready, Anderson has developed a unique 30-day diet and workout routine that reshapes the body and defies genetics to tone the muscles and drop the pounds. While most people incorrectly target their major muscle groups, like the bicep or hamstring, the focus should be on the smaller accessory muscles that can create a long, lean, balanced look--instead of bulked up look. Anderson's program is composed of a groundbreaking three-tiered approach, including a mat workout and cardio routine targeting the all-important accessory muscles, and an exclusive 30-day meal plan, complete with dozens of delicious recipes.
This comprehensive kick-start program is unlike any other workout on the market and it leaves no chance for anything but terrific, fast results! (Check Catalog)