"Excellent book! Gifted hearing professionals take you through a comprehensive guide on how noise can affect our hearing and the significance of their research. Wish every musician, sound engineer and music lover would get a copy! Loved it!"---Kathy Peck; Executive Director and Co-Founder Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers, San Francisco, CA
This book is written for the consumer who has suffered hearing loss caused from noise. Many of the chapters have clear strategies that can be implemented to reduce the effects of noise when it cannot be avoided completely.
The two most common causes of hearing loss are presbycusis (hearing loss associated with aging) and noise exposure. While being over the age of 75 is not preventable, hearing loss from noise is preventable. As Dr. Chasin poses in his Introduction, the question becomes, "What can be done today to prevent hearing loss tomorrow?" This book will provide many of the answers sought by those who have endured dangerous noise levels, and will address what you can do today and tomorrow. (Check Catalog)