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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Delavier's Core Training Anatomy

by Frederic Delavier    (Find this book)
"Delavier's Core Training Anatomy" is your guide for increasing core strength, stability, flexibility, and tone.
Whether you're just beginning your routine or looking to enhance an existing conditioning program, "Delavier's Core" "Training Anatomy "presents the most effective exercises and workouts for the results you want. It's all here, and all in the stunning detail that only Frederic Delavier can provide.
With 460 full-color photos and illustrations, you'll go inside over 100 exercises and 60 programs to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures. You'll learn how variations, progressions, and sequencing can affect muscle recruitment, the underlying structures, and ultimately the results.
"Delavier's Core Training Anatomy "includes proven programming for sculpting your abs, reducing fat, improving cardiovascular health, and relieving low back discomfort. Targeted routines are presented for optimal training and performance in more than 20 sports, including running, cycling, basketball, soccer, and golf.
The former editor in chief of "PowerMag" in France, author and illustrator Frederic Delavier is a journalist for "Le Monde du" "Muscle" and a contributor to" Men's Health Germany" and several other strength publications. His previous publications, "Strength Training Anatomy" and "Women's Strength Training Anatomy," have sold more than 2 million copies. -- Publisher Marketing