by Boston women's Health Books Collective (Find this book)
Our Bodies, Ourselves is the resource that women of all ages turn to for
information about their bodies, sexuality, and reproductive health.
Completely revised and updated, these pages provide women with the
information and tools they need to make key health decisions --
accurate, evidence-based information, input from leading experts, and
personal stories from women who share their experiences. This new
edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves includes the latest vital information
on: * CHANGES IN THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM -- especially how health care
reform affects women and how to get the care you need. * SAFER SEX --
how to engage in pleasurable, satisfying sexual experiences while
protecting your health and the health of your partner. * ENVIRONMENTAL
HEALTH RISKS -- including minimizing exposure to everyday pollutants
that endanger reproductive health. * BODY IMAGE -- resisting negative
media stereotypes and embracing healthier approaches to looking and
feeling good. * LOCAL AND GLOBAL ACTIVISM -- using social media and
organizing tactics to build community and advocate for policies that
improve women's lives. * As well as crucial information about gender
identity, sexual orientation, birth control, abortion, pregnancy and
birth, perimenopause, and sexuality and sexual health as we age.
Together with its companion website,, Our Bodies,
Ourselves is a one-stop resource for women of all generations. -- Publisher Marketing
Health and Medicine Titles
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