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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Foot Book: A Complete Guide to Healthy Feet

by Jonathan D Rose    (Find this book)
Aching or painful feet make it hard to stand or walk—not to mention dance, play sports, and take part in other activities. To keep you on your feet, this book offers a rich resource for understanding what can go wrong and how disorders, diseases, and injuries to the foot are diagnosed and treated.
In this readable guide to common conditions that affect the foot and ankle, podiatrists Jonathan D. Rose and Vincent J. Martorana outline the professional and self-care treatment options available. What works for one person’s foot pain does not necessarily work for someone else’s, so Doctors Rose and Martorana discuss proper foot care practices in a way that helps readers make good decisions about which treatment option will work best for them.
Often called a marvel of biomedical engineering, the human foot is a complex and astonishingly versatile part of our anatomy. This book addresses the entire foot, inside and out, describing in plain English its special design characteristics and biomechanical operations. Everything is covered—from corns and calluses to cancer and skin and nail problems, including special sections on children’s feet, sports injuries, footwear, and orthotics.
The Foot Book is an all-inclusive resource for everyone suffering from foot and ankle disorders, as well as physicians and other medical personnel who care for them.
Johns Hopkins University Press  --  Publisher Marketing

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Delavier's Stretching Anatomy

by Frederic Delavier    (Find this book)
Get an inside view of the muscles in action during every stretch you perform!
Delavier’s Stretching Anatomy is your guide for increasing flexibility, improving range of motion, toning muscles, and relieving pain and discomfort. The very best stretches for shoulders, chest, arms, torso, back, hips, and legs are all here, and all in the stunning detail that only Frédéric Delavier can provide.
With over 550 full-color photos and illustrations, you’ll go inside more than 130 exercises to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures and learn how variations, progressions, and sequencing can affect muscle recruitment, the underlying structures, and ultimately the results.
Delavier’s Stretching Anatomy includes 13 proven programs for increasing muscle tone, releasing tension and stress, and optimizing training and performance in 13 sports, including running, cycling, basketball, soccer, golf, and track and field.The former editor in chief of PowerMag in France, author and illustrator Frédéric Delavier is a journalist for Le Monde du Muscle and a contributor to Men’s Health Germany and several other strength publications. His previous publications, Strength Training Anatomy and Women’s Strength Training Anatomy, have sold more than 2 million copies. -- Publisher Marketing

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Women's Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts

by Selene Yeager    (Find this book)
Time is every woman’s most precious commodity—and a lack of it is the number one reason, in
survey after survey, that women give for why they don’t exercise. But research now shows that as
little as 15 minutes of resistance training is just as effective in spiking one’s metabolism as a
workout lasting more than twice as long. All it takes is 15 minutes to achieve lifelong results—and
women are more likely to stick to an exercise plan if it’s chopped down to those 15 minutes.

The Women’s Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts is both an introduction to the fundamentals
of short workouts and a comprehensive collection of hundreds of the most effective ones. These
workouts have been designed for every fitness goal, from total body conditioning to targeting trouble
spots with exercises like the 15 Minute Flat-Belly-without-a-Single-Crunch Workout. Other highlights
-an eating plan with delicious meals that take 15 minutes or less to prepare
-workouts for when you’re stuck in traffic or traveling and can’t make it to the gym
-hundreds of tips from America’s best trainers, nutritionists, and exercise scientists -- Publisher Marketing

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Men's Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts: A Leaner, Stronger Body--In 15 Minutes a Day!

by Selene Yeager    (Find this book)
Men love shortcuts. If there’s a way to accomplish a job quicker and more efficiently, they’re all for it. That goes for work and working out. Now, new research shows that as little as 15 minutes of resistance training is just as effective in spiking a man’s metabolism—his fat-burning furnace—as a workout lasting more than twice as long. All it takes is 15 minutes to achieve lifelong results—and men are more likely to stick to an exercise plan if it’s chopped down to those 15 minutes.
 The Men’s Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts contains fast-paced circuit training and interval workouts that boost calorie burn, build muscle, and fry belly fat in half the time of regular workouts.
Readers can choose from at-home, body-weight-only workouts and total-body barbell programs to exercises that target major muscle groups—the chest, arms, legs, and back—and sport-specific workouts. Other highlights include:
-a special section of 15-minute core workouts to build a rock-hard six-pack
-an eating plan with delicious meals that take 15 minutes or less to prepare
-workouts for the office or when you’re traveling and can’t make it to the gym
-hundreds of tips from America’s best trainers, nutritionists, and exercise scientists  --  Publisher Marketing