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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Doctor's Diet: Dr. Travis Stork's STAT Program to Help You Lose Weight, Restore Optimal Health, Prevent Disease, and Add Years to You

by Travis Stork    (Find this book)
The Doctor's Diet is "the" cure to unhealthy eating an American epidemic with a death toll higher than that of car accidents, drug abuse, smoking, and gun violence combined. Dr. Stork is genuinely concerned about what he considers to be a true crisis. He has created a flexible and workable diet plan that will help readers lose weight, restore health, prevent disease and ultimately add years to their lives. In the book, Dr. Stork explains all of the potentially fatal health risks associated with an unhealthy diet and the specific food groups that can act as medicines to attain immediate results. Flexibility is built into the recipes in order to accommodate all different diets and skill levels, from meat lovers to vegetarians and chefs to non-cooks. In "The Doctor's Diet," Dr. Stork outlines the steps to a healthier life with encouragement, personal anecdotes, and a passionate sense of urgency to rescue the reader from diet-related demise."  --  Publisher Marketing