by Steven Masley (Find this book)
THE 30-DAY HEART TUNE-UP takes readers step by step through a
revolutionary program to tune up their hearts, energy, waistlines, and
sex lives, with 60 delicious recipes to help jump-start a heart-healthy
Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of Americans
today. But, the good news is that everyone-regardless of size, genetics,
gender, or age-can treat arterial plaque and prevent heart attacks and
strokes with this book. The keys to the program are shrinking arterial
plaque, improving circulation, and strengthening your heartbeat. The
tools in this book include heart-healing foods, exercise that
strengthens the heart and arteries, stress management, and a customized
heart-friendly supplement plan. THE 30-DAY HEART TUNE-UP program is
easy, fast, and could even be called sexy. Dr. Masley devotes a chapter
to showing how improving heart health enhances sex drive and function in
both men and women. -- Publisher Marketing