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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Your Skin, Younger: New Science Secrets to Naturally Younger Skin

World-renowned dermatologists' expert nutrition advice for attaining naturally younger-looking skin
Your Skin, Younger presents clear, scientific evidence of the skin's aging process and how it is directly impacted by diet, stress, intestinal function, and even cooking techniques. Written by top dermatology and nutrition experts, the book reveals what you can do naturally to reverse bad effects for nourished, younger-looking skin.
Loaded with delicious recipes, creative food preparation techniques, stress-busters, exercise and personal training tips, and other habits that promote sound, restful, restorative sleep and better overall skin care, this is the one-stop resource for expert, need-to-know advice.
Your Skin, Younger also exposes many skin care myths and the major chemical offenders in cosmetics and topical skincare products, as well as what to look for and what to avoid in oral dietary supplements and topical ingredients.
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