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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Plan D: How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes

by Sherri Shepherd    (Find this book)
A realistic plan to combat diabetes, our greatest health crisis
For the millions of people living with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, or who are overweight and at risk but don’t know where to start, Plan D can provide life-changing results. Plan D breaks down the basics of the science of diabetes, explains how reversing your insulin resistance (the root cause of type 2 diabetes) is the key, and offers support, humor, and the action plan you need to get results. With this medically supported plan, Sherri was able to lose forty pounds and keep it off through three key simple but effective strategies that helped her fight the big D.
They are:
  • Change the way you eat in simple ways, eating a low-glycemic diet . . . but with a few indulgences along the way
  • Embrace exercise as part of your life, every day, and how to keep staying fit fun
  • Rethink your emotional connection to food
Sherri offers a way to lose weight and control diabetes without feeling deprived or chained to a strict, lifeless regimen. Plan D is flexible, sensible, and straightforward, and it works. If you’re ready to make a commitment to change, perhaps after years of battling excess weight and ignoring the warning signs, Sherri can show you how, with Plan D.